Home History of Seaham - Stories and remarkable and memorable events in the history of Seaham The Collieries, Brickworks and Ancillary Works

The Collieries, Brickworks and Ancillary Works

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# Article Title Hits
1 Latest reviews of "One Year of Hell" 1075
2 Booklet - Advice to boys starting work down the mine (1937) 1228
3 Painting of Murton Colliery in 1843 452
4 Where and what was the "Ball Alley" at Seaham Colliery? 985
5 Plans to mine from Vane Tempest and Dawdon Collieries under the North Sea (1973) 613
6 Map of the pits in the Durham Coalfield on "Vesting Day" 1947 521
7 Opening of Seaham Training Centre for mining apprentices (1965) 605
8 Steeplejack at work on chimney at Vane Tempest (1948) 660
9 Plans to celebrate vesting date of NCB at Seaham (1946) 610
10 Pits that have closed in the Northumberland & Durham Coalfield since the 1940's 599
11 Opening of Vane Tempest Welfare Hall (1939) 611
12 Plans for Miners Welfare Hall for Vane Tempest Colliery (1938) 754
13 Opening of new pit-head baths at Vane Tempest Colliery (1937) 632
14 Ordnance Survey Maps showing Harvey, High Main and Five Quarter Seams (1990's) 782
15 923 Dawdon miners summonsed and fined £1 each for lightning strike (1934) 716
16 Seaham Colliery which has been closed for 18 months to restart (1934) 633
17 Seaham Colliery closed and miners in colliery houses given rent books (1930) 645
18 All Londonderry collieries in Durham laid idle (1930) 619
19 Tipping of colliery refuse at Seaham Hall Dene (1929) 690
20 First coals shipped from Vane Tempest Colliery (1929) 584
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