Home History of Seaham - Stories and remarkable and memorable events in the history of Seaham The Blast Furnace and Foundry at Seaham

The Blast Furnace and Foundry at Seaham

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# Article Title Hits
1 Iron ore shipments arrive at Seaham Harbour (1860) 707
2 Proposed demolition of the Vane and Seaham Ironworks (1896) 811
3 Seaham Iron Works up for sale_previously Hopper, Radcliffe and Co (November 1874) 980
4 State of the iron trade and impact on Seaham blast furnace (1874) 1062
5 Production at the Bottleworks and Blast Furnace (April 1872) 1043
6 Re-opening of Seaham Foundry (January 1871) 966
7 Sensational failure of Robert Wrights Foundry (November 1870) 1073
8 Seaham Ironworks sold to Sample and Cockburn of Seaham (May 1876) 1344
9 Strike at Seaham Ironworks (January 1873) 1133
10 Construction of blast furnaces nearing completion (February 1861) 1159
11 Arrangements made for tapping of blast furnaces (August 1862) 1174
12 Laying of Foundation stone of Blast Furnace (December 1859) 1164
13 Foundation stone for Blast Furnace /Sunderland to incorp Seaham within it's boundary (1859) 1175
14 Sale of shares in Seaham Iron Company (October 1859) 1065
15 Prospectus issued to raise capital for the Seaham Ironworks (March 1859) 1084
16 New smelting furnace placed under the management of W Thorburn (August 1858) 1104