Home History of Seaham - Stories and remarkable and memorable events in the history of Seaham Freemasons, Oddfellows and Societies at Seaham

Freemasons, Oddfellows and Societies at Seaham

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1 The Tulip Tent at Dawdon has largest Rechabite membership (1930) 692
2 Inauguration of the Seaham Branch of the British Legion (1921) 736
3 Consecration of "Stewart Lodge" at the Masonic Hall (1921) 781
4 Meeting of the Order of Rechabites in Robert Candlish Memorial Hall (1919) 699
5 RAOB Certificate for Richard Curtis of the Shakespeare Lodge, Seaham (1943) 762
6 Opening of new "Marquis of Londonderry" Lodge of RAOB opened at Seaham (1900) 772
7 Meeting of the "Lady Aline" Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids (1891) 887
8 Meeting of the Rising Star Lodge (Seaham) of the Knights of Labour (1890) 813
9 5oth anniversary of the Neptune Lodge of Oddfellows (1887) 787
10 Obituary of Adam Chapman Harrison_Owner of Theatre Royal (October 1929) 1009
11 First Anniversary of the Fawcett Lodge (Page 467 1858) 959
12 Independent Order of OddFellows by Henry Ratcliffe_ 2 Seaham Lodges (1856) 1031
13 2nd anniversary of the Loyal Neptune Lodge of Odd Fellows (1840) 1014
14 Annual gala of Ancient Order of Foresters held at cricket ground (1878) 1111
15 Masonic Hall to be built at Seaham (May 1873) 1392
16 Invitation to young men to join Londonderry lodge of Oddfellows (1860) 1340
17 Members pesent at the meeting (March 1885) 1175
18 Opening of the new Masonic Lodge at Seaham (February 1874) 2811
19 Courst case brought by Foresters against Railway Company (1862) 1095
20 Order of Shepherds at Seaham (1859) 1346
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