Home History of Seaham - Stories and remarkable and memorable events in the history of Seaham Seaham and World War 2

Seaham and World War 2

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# Article Title Hits
1 The Green Man pub (1941) 1143
2 6th June 1944 - D Day 561
3 Air raid shelters completed at three Seaham schools (1939) 732
4 Funeral of Corp Frederick Keen - one of original members of Home Guard (1942) 699
5 Captain Brett and his experiences in HMS Seaham 796
6 Recruiting for Anti-Aircraft Post in Seaham (1939) 780
7 Seaham is in readiness for war (1939) 815
8 Fined for not obscuring lights (1939) 809
9 Russian cannon moved from Terrace Green to Council yard (1940) 1804
10 Seaham Intermediate Girls School makes clothes for war effort (1942) 871
11 Presentation to Air Raid Wardens (1939) 707
12 Citizens of Seaham who lost their lives in bombing raids 914
13 Sale of Anderson and Morrison air raid shelters by Seaham UDC (1947) 726
14 More families join the squatters near St Mary's Vicarage (1946) 685
15 Seaham squatters occupy searchlight battery near Seaham Hall crossing (1946) 700
16 HMS Seaham to visit Seaham (1945) 738
17 The war record of HMS Seaham is remembered (1945) 688
18 Summary of air raid casualties at Seaham (1944) 741
19 RAF plane crashes at Slingley Hill (1944) 817
20 Investigation into attendance of Land Army Girls (1944) 655
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